Please ask your students and adult sponsors not to pack anything that:
- Advertises alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs
- Explicitly or implicitly promotes racism, sexism, or hatred of any group or person
- Explicitly or implicitly refers to sexual actions or situations
- Has spaghetti straps, except for sleepwear
- Is excessively short or tight fitting.
While at camp, we ask that students and adults:
- Wear closed-toed shoes to recreation.
- Wear modest, one-piece bathing suits or two piece suits covered with a colored T-shirt.
- Wear modest shorts, dresses, slacks, and jeans for worship. Long pants or knee-length skirts are required for students or adults participating in worship on stage.
- Do not dress in a way that calls attention to their underwear (sagging your pants, rolling down your waistbands, etc)
- A dark t-shirt if you plan to take the messy games or water games track.
- We invite you to join us as leaders in monitoring your group to ensure they are dressing appropriately.